Moto Market

Moto Market Poster - Used Gear and Parts Sale, Ride In, BBQ, Build Showcase, Vendors and Raffle, May 13th

Check out our facebook event and be sure to invite your friends!

Moto Revere is hosting their second Moto Market and Swap Meet!

Designed to be the 'urban' rider's Moto Flea Market, you can sell even a single spare part or unwanted gear. Where your junk becomes another riders treasure!


How to Sell Parts or Gear

Drop off your spare parts, or used gear at Moto Revere (1250 Dupont St, Toronto) anytime between April 19th - 5 pm on May 12th. You set the price for your parts, and Moto Revere will sell them for you the day of the swap. Parts will not be accepted to sell the day of the Market.


Moto Market

May 13th 11-5 pm, come by the Moto Market with your friends. Ride-in, pick up some new parts or great Moto swag from our vendors, have a dog and a good time. Stick around for raffle and door prizes.  


From May 16th - 23rd, stop by to pick up the profit from your sales, or your left over parts. Any parts or cash left after the 23rd will be donated to the shop. Moto Revere takes 25% commission on sales for non-members. 




How to Donate to Moto Revere

Moto Revere is accepting donations for raffle ticket items, gear or parts items, as well as tools for the shop. Drop these off at Moto Revere any time. To get your logo on the poster, please email for more details before April 28th


Individual swap meet tables are not available at this time.

 Follow us on Instagram or Like us on Facebook for parts, gear and swag available at the moto market!

