New Riders Nite
Free, Everyone is Welcome!
Our New Fall Demo Nite's are starting off with a New Riders Nite. With special guests, we'll be covering the basics, debunking some myths and providing an open environment for New and Potential Riders to get to meet some riders, ask some questions and get a feel for what it'll be like to get on the road.
Ronn Calderon from Home for Chrome will be debunking some myths about insurance and answering questions about ownership and staying legal on the road.
RTI will be covering the licensing process including what to expect in your M1 and M2 tests. What to wear, what to expect and how to get the most out of your course.
And Moto Revere will be covering how to look for a used bike. How to do a quick visual inspection of a bike you're thinking about getting and how to make sure you're buying the right bike for you.
An info session on licensing, insurance and how to maintain a bike for those who don't yet ride, but are thinking about starting.
Winterization Workshop
Date TBA in November, 2016
8 pm
Clutch Replacement
We will be covering More Electrical basics, and taking a side step from the previous electrical workshop, covering things like wiring, troubleshooting, and electrical components.
No pre-requisite required.
FREE for Members
$20 for non-members
Our expert mechanic will be going through basics and trouble shooting of the electrical systems on your bike. The workshop is free and open to anyone and will take about 1 hour. Feel free to ride in, stop by, come with a friend or come alone, just plan on learning some new things and meeting some good people!
We are excited to announce our first workshop!
Our brilliant mechanic will be doing a run through of everything that you need to know and check off your list before getting heavy into the riding season.
The workshop is open to everyone, and we will be doing a quick introduction to the shop as well, if you are looking for some more info or to check things out.
Come by, check out the shop, learn about your bike and meet some good people.
We will be giving away a free month's membership as a door prize at the workshop as well!
Open to all. No need to book.
May 9th from 7-9 pm.
1250 Dupont.
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